tldr: vent about my own insecurities about being trans coming to light after years.

You're very right about only being two years in and still having so many other ways to change and grow transition wise. You're mother is wrong though. I know a lot of other trans guys here struggle or worry about finding partners that are women and I did too. I figured I'd always end up with a woman who identified as pansexual or maybe bi, but that isn't always the case.

I'm in a very happy, supportive and healthy relationship with a cis woman who identifies as straight and has her whole life. The big thing I noticed when dating or any relationship is I fixate a lot on the fact I'm trans, because it's such a big part of me. But that doesn't mean everyone else fixates on it as much as I do. I was able to date way more smoothly when I actually stopping trying so hard to compensate for what I thought I was missing.

Once I started just being friends and hanging out, I actually dated quite a few straight cis girls. Because they just liked me for me, they liked my personality and it didn't matter at the end of the day what gender I was. But I think changing my view and mindset really helped me personally when dating, because it also didn't make me feel so unwanted or rejected since all I was doing was just being a friend and it happened to go further.

So while I know how discouraging it can be (my mom sounds similar to yours), remember to not give up and to just keeping trying!

/r/ftm Thread