Today the pharmacy refused to give you your prescribed amnesia pills [WP]

Journal Entry, May 23: "*Today was a good day. I had dinner with Nyna again. She looked absolutely stunning in her special way, and we just talked for hours after the food was done. I really think there's a chance that this might actually be going somewhere. Can't wait to break this 35-year-long curse of being single!

Also, need to get more meds from the pharmacy tomorrow. I missed a day today.*"

It's become something of a morning ritual, taking out my iPad and reading the journal entry from the night before. Ever since the accident, I've had to rely on keeping this e-journal to refresh my memories. Well, that and "the meds", of course.

I don't remember much about the accident. My friends don't tell me anything about it and the doctors keep insisting that I was involved in a car crash that injured my head and made me lose my memory. Strange, though; I never learnt to drive, and although I've been told the driver's still alive, nobody's claimed responsibility for the accident yet.

Where was I? Oh, right, "get some meds". I need to go to the hospital's pharmacy for that, and every time I go there I'll look for Dr. Richards. He's a pleasant fellow, always taking the time to ask about my week. Well, he never actually needs to ask, seeing as he reads my e-journal every time I update it. I don't write much in it since I just need a little bit to refresh my memory, and Dr. Richards has been such a huge help I don't mind him knowing these little parts of my life. I missed yesterday's appointment with Dr. Richards, though, because I had a date with Nyna. I did call to inform him, and he said not to worry, and to come the next day instead.

I'm about to leave the house, when I hear my house phone ring. I pick up, and am surprised to hear Dr. Richards on the line. He's never called me before.

"Michael, this is Dr. Richards. I'm calling to tell you that you won't be needing the medicine anymore. Please don't come to the hospital either, I've informed the staff not to serve you."

This has got to be a joke, right? "The meds" are what's keeping my memories intact, why's he suddenly telling me I don't need them?

"Dr. Richards, you're kidding, right? How will I keep my memories with-"

-click-. He hung up on me! I'm pretty sure this is a joke, so I try to call him back. I realize I don't remember his number, but luckily I have his business card. Where did I leave it, though? After searching for quite a while, I finally find it.

"Dr. Richards, I received a call from someone who claimed to be you, saying I don't need to see you anymore today?"

"Yes, that was me. You don't need to see me today, or any more for that matter. Goodbye."

I'm starting to panic now. Why does he think it's okay for me to lose my memories?! I have to get to the hospital to sort things out. I rush out of the house, but cannot remember the route to the hospital. I still have Dr. Richards' business card though. I don't have time to find the route there, so I hail a taxi and show the driver the business card. He starts the meter and starts the drive there.

Panic Try to go to hospital; use business card Start to think about weird stuff - lady named XXX, boy named YYY, girl named ZZZ. Hospital doesn't have his records; he asks for a prescription drug but doesn't know its name Goes home to check, goes to wrong place - a newly-vacant house Goes to take his car but realizes he doesn't have a key Patient card in wallet, goes to proper home Finds box, instructions inside "May cause amnesia."

/r/WritingPrompts Thread