Were you ever caught in a love triangle? If so, what happened?

Yeah and it fucking sucked.

Dated Dave for about three months. Broke up with him because he ignored me for a month and literally did not speak to me but expected me to sleep over every weekend.

Mark lived with Dave. Mark decided he had feelings for me. Started pursuing me the day after I broke up with Dave. I fell for it bc sad lonely and desperate for attention.

Broke it off with Mark. Tried not to engage with either one and failed and kind of dated both casually for a while bc stupid and easily manipulated. Mark was incredibly depressed and tried to manipulated me into staying because apparently "you're the one who can handle my depression" and Mark was just a super douche canoe. I was insecure and tied my worth to whether or not I had a bf because I thought that's what made me great.

Cue lots of break ups and arguments fueled by alcohol and bullshit and you'll have an idea of my life for about six months. I was in a shitty place and acted really shitty. Almost lost all my friends, it was horrible.

Negative infinity out of ten, never recommend to anyone. Still kind of recovering to be honest, we were all so shitty to each other and some really nasty things were said. Luckily my self worth has increased and is no longer attached to whether or not I have a bf which helps a lot.

(I didn't need to write this out and it's a little over share-y but it made me feel better so thanks for reading)

/r/AskWomen Thread