Today I was referred to as a 'low value male' and I'm fucking upset.

I had a similar experience once. When I was much younger a couple of ladies in my office were discussing potential matches for another girl in the office, and my name came up and one said “nah he isn’t much of a go-getter”.

I know that’s pretty light but it sticks with me to this day and I use that as inspiration to be the best I can be. Since that day I’ve worked my way up to a senior manager position and my salary has literally tripled. I’ve been working out and my body has transformed. I’m now married with 2 kids and my life has progressed massively while the others in this story are still doing the same old shit.

This comment isn’t to give myself a pat on the back. What I’m trying to say is use this moment to light a fire under yourself and become the best version of yourself that you can be. Don’t settle for anything.

/r/TrueOffMyChest Thread