Touching a bear, WCGW.

Yeah, you'd be right to. That is in the case of the owner not understanding their dogs, poor training or poor communication. You should not put your dog in a situation that can cause that.

But in the case that you're training a dog and respectfully avoid people, there are times when people do not respect that space you are making between them and yourself. I'm not talking about bringing a dog in public and getting huffy when there are people around, I mean someone making a bee line to you and your dog when you are completely out of their way. People who do not communicate that they want to pet your dog, and your dog can be caught off guard by a stranger reaching out to them when they are being trained or put to work.

And to take your point, if a dog is working, let them work. Don't distract them and always talk to the owner first if you want to interact with them.

I'm sorry, I don't understand your last point about heresy, do you mind clarifying that?

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