I was toyed with by a best friend. Cut her off.

Thanks. I needed the validation, and the distinction. I'm pretty sure she was just misguided, and doesn't quite understand that actions affect people. Despite how well intentioned. Considering the result for either is academic, I do believe you are correct. There's not much of a difference, and hopefully, she'll question her actions when dealing with men in the future.

Another thing that was odd was that I spent the majority of the time encouraging and fostering her to make her own decisions. Then to make agreements for mutual decisions. I of course, make my own decisions. I wonder if that was a turnoff for her, and/or a huge road block in moving forward. She wanted me to make all the decisions and tell her what to do. For that matter, for her, no means yes when she wants it to, and no when she doesn't.

In hind sight, I'm kind of kicking myself for the patience I had. Truth be known, I figured she was just a kind and innocent person. A safe bet. I might be right on the kind and innocent part, but I was so horribly wrong on the bet I'm afraid to go to Vegas now.

Either way, thank you for the validation. I really needed it.

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