Training Thursdays

Do you think this is a good version of 531 to get my main lifts to improve? I'm wondering if it's too much volume or if there's something obviously bad about it. Wendler says "don't add stuff," but he also has at least three different versions (two of which add stuff) - Boring But Big (minimal w/ 5x10 lat work to counter Bench/OHP); Boring But Big Challenge (same but adds 3 accessories); and 531 Bodybuilding (moves accessories around, for instance, lat work is done on Deadlift day). Anyway, this is what I came up with - it is closest to his Challenge program, but it moves some of the work from OHP/Bench day to Dead/Squat day to make it more even. I was also debating putting this in the 2 Suns 4-day program so the first two lifts (531 and 'assistance' 5x10 would follow his rep scheme for weekly improvement since I'm weak):

Monday: OHP (531) Bench 5x10 @ 50%/60%/70% Lat raise 4x10 Tricep 4x10

Tuesday: Squat (531) Deadlift 5x10 Rows 5x10 Shrugs 4x10 Rear Delt 4x10 Curls 4x10

Thursday: Bench (531) OHP 5x10 Lat raise 4x10 Tricep 4x10

Friday: Deadlift (531) Squat 5x10 Rows 5x10 Shrugs 4x10 Rear Delt 4x10 Curls 4x10

/r/bodybuilding Thread