Traits of the very most desirable women

Thank you! Nobody else came along to contradict this person - who I suspect is a LVM in their mom's basement just trying to fit in here. After all, you can't believe being the hottest is all that counts if you've ever left your mommy's basement. It sounds like a mirror image comment of some loser who thinks being a HVM depends entirely on looking like Brad Pitt.

Is Meghan Markle hot? Yes, obviously. But he met countless hot girls before her... and yet she was the one he fell head-over-heels in love with. And it's higher stakes for him than for almost any other man on earth.

Also, for any readers who want to say she's crazy and so she proves the point of /u/WellFlabberedGast - I don't believe that at all. She clearly knows what she's doing, and I suspect she's a delightful person to be around - the British media is simply vicious (if you think the media is mean in America, the British media will make you cry yourself to sleep in comparison), and unfortunately she's got a narcissistic shitbag of a dad. And there's certainly some racism going on.

I'm not normally one to pay attention to royalty - that's not a thing my red-blooded American self (lol) admires. But I have paid close attention to her because her family life reminds me so much of my own. And I'm so happy for her that she managed to transcend that, and so sad for her that people still listen to her horrible relatives. At least the royal family still protects her with guards and huge-ass fences since she's now one of their own, even though they're racists who don't like it.

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