Its a trap!

My biological mother went into a hard drug abuse addiction and sold me to a drug dealer before I was one year old after her boyfriend claimed I wasn't his son.

My adoptive mother (long story, got lucky, she's an amazing person.) Ended up going through a six year divorce after her husband raped her and beat me horribly.

Her second husband broke her arm and locked her dog in a closet without any human contact for years until it stopped eating and died, and then followed this wonderful act up by refusing to pay for his own mothers medical bills which lead to her dying without proper treatment for her health issues.

To me people are wonderful but getting married is a risk that I'm not willing to personally take. Giving someone else control over your life for... what? Temporary emotional gratification that fulfills a role ingrained into you from childhood by societal expectations that were created in era's long past in response to religious or social issues that we no longer face in today's modern times?

If you get hurt by a friend you're upset but you can move on. If you get hurt by a spouse you will lose everything you love and hold dear.

That's my personal take on marriage though. My experiences sucked, my life had trials that you haven't faced, and odds are that if you get married I'll be perfectly happy for you. Some people have good marriages.

But I'm happy cooking meals for friends and family, living on my terms, and being able to have steady relationships without ever experiencing something on the lines of what happened in my childhood.

Marriage is a choice. We're all allowed to hold our opinions on it. It just would be nice to do so without people taking personal offense.

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