Trickle Down...

With revenue comes paychecks. The Democrat's understanding of economics is "if we cry hard enough we get paid and benifits and thank god all we have to do is print more money."

This sickens me. Greatly. The Obama Administration has ruined the small business economy to the point where I lost my internship and support by a small company for my MBA and instead had to drop out of college because i couldnt afford it. I joined the National Guard to help me pay for college because ill be damned if i come out of it with debt.

The simple lesson the Government needs to learn is this. Most businesses do not horde revenue, they distribute it to their employees through bonuses or programs. In fact, most business owners only take enough from the business to support themselves and they usually invest the rest back into their business and employees.

Democrat actions are raise taxes on business and cut military, while increasing welfare and government dependance. This is the world they want to make. They want businesses to shut down, they want the military to be unable to provide stable incomes to needy people and families, they want you to depend on them, to need them. They want to rule your life, healthcare, and bank account with an iron fist. Modern democrat politicians are communists or socialists in disguise, and the general population of liberal voters are severely uninformed.

Obama's economic plans got me laid off from my 2nd job at 16, 3rd at 16, 4th at 18, and 5th at 19. All because I enjoy working for small companies and they just cant afford eager employees any more becauae they are dumping spare revenue down the tax drain.

Im done rambling. Dont mean to waste y'all's time. Just happy the GOP has some actual intelligence among the ranks of possible presidential nominees. Businessmen, doctors, and self-success stories alike. We need someone who knows what the real world is like in that Oval Office.

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