Trolls of Reddit: What is your finest trolling achievement?

Back in the days of Battlefield 2, my friend and I realized that "Michael_Jackson" wasn't taken as a battletag. He made a "Michael_Jackson" account. I made one named "Little_Billy". Together, we joined a server and immediately made a squad called NAMBLA. We proceeded to spam chat with all of the stereotypical bullshit you'd expect from years of bad MJ pedophile jokes. Halfway through the round, the majority of the server was cussing us out and had literally stopped playing. People were joining the squad to cuss us out over VOIP. The server was almost at a standstill, with a handful of players on either side actually playing while the rest of their teammates were standing still rage-typing. We grabbed a blackhawk and started racking up kills, which was pretty easy with people just standing around. The response was even more rage and free kills. By the time the round was over, "MJ" and myself were 2nd and 3rd on the killboard. 1st was a silent fellow who had joined NAMBLA squad first thing and did nothing but hang out with us and kill people while the other players raged on.

It was a one-shot gimmick. We retired it after that one game, but we still laugh about it to this day.

/r/AskReddit Thread