Troops deployed to U.S.-Mexico border lack hot food, electricity

Question: 100 years ago, when the German soldiers, generals, etc. decided that their oath to serve the Kaiser wasn't worth fighting for, were they traitors or patriots?

These are not conscripts being forced into the military at gunpoint; these people signed up for this shit. They are not blameless when they follow orders that are bullshit. This is not a fight anyone asked for; its a goddamn publicity stunt to scare voters for a midterm election. Any soldiers who are caught up in this shit should be bitching up a storm as much as legally possible until something is done to prevent such flippant mobilization of US troops within our own fucking borders.

All the "hero worship" of soldiers and cops is unhealthy. Civilians are not beholden to military order or norms; expecting the masses to just hold their tongues because someone volunteered for military service is dumb af.

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