Trump aide accidentally revealed Mattis phone number in photo

...and all the unfair benefits that coalesced to result in the defeat of one of the most qualified, competent, and experienced Presidential candidates in American history. I really do try my best to stay balanced.

Pick one.

You leave out all the valid critisms that made her an undesirable canidate to vast swathes of the electorate giving him the opening for this worst timeline to exist. Yeah, a lot of idiots believe a lot of fabricated bullshit, but it's no more pathetic than those who dismiss any negative story out of hand even when true. If she were this beacon of virtue you describe Trump would have never had a shot and probably wouldn't have run in the first place. They rubbed shoulders for years in the bowels of the same seedy oligarchic machine.

I say all of this as someone who voter for her, but enough is enough already. She played a dirty game and got bested by the bigger slime ball. Stop passing the buck, every other possible entity that in any way could even remotely be partially responsible has heard you loud and clear, the only ones left blamed are yourselves.

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