Trump calls Hawaii judge's ruling against revised travel ban 'unprecedented judicial overreach'

Remember the whole Starbucks Refugee thing?

Christ, what a crock of shit. The owner put up out an annoucnemtn saying that were hiring 10,000 refugees in 75 or so countries, not to mention they had made a quota to hire 10,000 Veteran members by 2018 and had hit 8,000.

I did some browsing on /r/military to get their side on it. They were levelheaded and when Black Rifle Coffee Company came out, they told them to fuck off. Reasoning being that BRCC pretty much was a 52 employee company who said "We'll hire 10,000 employees" which is honestly a really good cause, but the amount of work they would have to put out, along with all the capital seems bizarre.

I distress though. I just tire of Wal-Mart brand patriotism and brogressives.

I just want to know when people stopped being Americans. I remember after 9/11 that Repubs and Dems worked together, but now we reverted back to a Team Sports sort of ideal. All Dems aren't the hippy gun hating baby killing whiners that they are made out to be and not all Repubs are the Racist, misogynist, getting caught in bathroom stalls, baby killers they are made out to be.

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