Trump insists Kim Jong-un will keep "his Promise to Me" hours after new North Korea missile test

I don’t credit Trump with the foresight to execute a long deescalation strategy so although I believe you to be correct, with Kim, as with bullies, being brought into mainstream [quasi-]legitimacy may facilitate NK modernizations both in policy and infrastructure that may make the difference between them being brought aboard the international community and them imploding with significant collateral. We might not see this for several decades, but when we are faced with handling dangerous antisocial individuals prior to explosive and violent external outbursts, the poorest approach for establishing deescalating dialogue is to force them into the dark where they can develop their antisocial behaviors. Since NK has insofar mostly terrorized it’s own people with political oppression we may be able to prevent more violent outburst by showing that were willing to view them as a nation with potential legitimacy. We can still make him earn that, but we can’t bully him back and expect him to still try to earn it.

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