Trump supporter Tomi Lahren inadvertently calls president a ‘jackass’ in Hindi

Native Hindi speaker here. Yes Ullu is used as a slur (and it translates to something very harmless like [a fool] at best, jackass is a bit too strong. A mom could use it every day on her 2/3 year old child for spilling water for example. but it does not mean that you loose the actual meaning of the word. Ullu means an owl. What do you expect her to do in this position change the complete proverb ? I can imagine if she was stronger in Hindi she could have probably used a complete Hindi proverb that brought forward the same emotion. But since she is not, this is also Ok. I don’t like her views and don’t appreciatie her divisive opinions but this is just not right what this post is turning it into.

Her usage is completely correct and clearly means no insult. You guys are reading too much into it.

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