Trump is terrified of the investigation into his relationship with Russia — and he should be

I don't really know what you're going on about with a 'traitor' being President. You've taken some weird hyperbolic stance and then thrown around some 'logic of the left' in order to try and make it a partisan topic.

Let's drag it back to reality for a moment.

The investigation is into Russia's influence on the election, and links between Trump's campaign and Russia.

Trump seems to believe he is also personally under investigation for obstruction of justice.

And that's it.

Investigations like these take time.

There's no some mythical ticking clock, there's no country being ruined by Putin's puppet. There is, however, an investigation into a political campaign, the people on that campaign, and a foreign power who were allegedly looking to interfere in that campaign. It might not be exciting and sexy enough for you - political scandals often aren't.

And it's quite possible you're not concerned by something like this and believe that American institutions should be free to be influenced strongly by opposing powers - it sounds like you've quite a globalist view-point on it, which is valid I guess.

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