Turkish daily probed over scoop on Syria-bound intelligence (MIT) trucks. The newspaper revealed the banned photographs of arms, which were claimed to be humanitarian aid to Turkmens, transported to Syria.

I think I'm hitting a point of extreme mental Syria-war fatigue.

At some point, the rest of us, in the rest of the world, have to stop agonizing over the insane heart-breaking barrel bombs being dropped over neighborhoods and maiming so many innocent children and people...

And stop agonizing over the heart wrenching violent murder of innocent civilians... the sexual slavery of women... the stomach-turning destruction of historic cities and historic artifacts... all by the psychotically insane group known as "ISIS"...

We have to stop... and get on with our lives in the rest of the world...

and enjoy our freedom and safety... to read any book we want...

To surf to any website we want...

To criticise and ridicule any government official we wish...

to indulge in the luxury of romantic weekends spent in peaceful picnics by waterfalls, with a beautiful woman... the love of our life...

to plan decades in advance with savings/investments... knowing that our economy will likely continue generating great wealth and innovation...

To just f--king stop worrying about Syria, every f--king day...

And yet... I can't really fully stop thinking of those children... those families...

Being killed and mutilated, and plunged into utter misery, equally by both Assad... and by ISIS...

Assad: a man who has everything, and yet spends his time killing his own people, while his wife shops and spends money...

ISIS: an utterly, insanely, horrific psychotic group of the most vile humans to ever walk this Earth, that will go down in history as the worse of the worse, that humanity has to offer to this great universe of ours...

Sorry... I have to stop typing, will I log off from the Internet, and log off from the entire world, and escape this weekend to the wilderness, to spend all my time with my beautiful girlfriend, by a waterfall... and forget all the rest of you... humanity...

/r/worldnews Thread Link - hurriyetdailynews.com