Twin brothers identified as victims of accident at Calgary bobsled track

Are you a hermit living in a cave?

Officially, Canada Olympic Park’s tracks are off-limits to all but athletes and people authorized to use the twisty course, with signs warning all others to keep off — but the reality is an ice track that’s been used for years by staff at the hill for all sorts of illicit slides.

“When you’re working there, shovel in hand, and you need to get from one spot to the other in a hurry, for a goof you slide on down,” said Tom, a former staff member at the hill, who asked that his real name be kept private.

People familiar with the bobsled track at Canada Olympic Park know of its danger but also know the temptation to take a joyride down sometimes trumps common sense.

Brian Grant worked and trained at the park and said it wasn't uncommon for staff to take after-hours runs.

"It's a great temptation to hop on something and go down the track," said Grant.

When Cool Runnings was being filmed there Grant says he and some others slid down on seat cushions but he quickly lost control and had to grab the walls to try and slow down.

Sliding down the bobsled track after-hours on 'dumb things' was a 'tradition' for staff at Canada Olympic Park, according to several people on social media who say they used to work there.

"When I worked there many moons ago it was tradition that people went down the track on dumb things," wrote Kendra Coates on Facebook.

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