U.S Border Patrol Agent uses official vehicle to run down a Native American tribesman, then simply drives away.

Was it in the sound in the video, cause I can't get sound, so if that's where it was I couldn't access it. Or was I just supposed to believe the random person online who posted the title?

I live in a city where when someone gets out of their car and tries to physically stop your car by putting their body in the way, it's likely that they are trying to kill you. That's what I saw in that video, because that's MY life experience.

Not having working sound on my computer means I can't get any kind of context that way, so that guy, who posted that link to that article, was really my only source of context outside my own experience.

Judging by the few downvotes my posts got, I am guessing someone was offended that I needed context, and maybe looking at it from my perspective can help them understand the context of where I was coming from, but honestly, I was thanking a guy. If you're offended because I was thanking a guy, you got issues no one can help you with.

/r/PublicFreakout Thread Parent Link - streamable.com