The U.S. Just Lost 26 Years' Worth of Progress on Life Expectancy

So the majority of the US population being unable to actually afford healthcare has nothing to do with the US life-expectancy. OK.

Personally, I'm fortunate, I have a job and I can afford health insurance. But I can't actually afford to go to the doctor on top of that; my yearly out-of-pocket is pretty high before that kicks in, and I'd have to take unpaid days off to even use it for preventative stuff anyway.

I'm in my 50's and probably should anyway, but the choice is between going into debt, or being able to retire. Like most, I have to gamble that nothing will go wrong. If I wind up dying of something preventable before I can enjoy any kind of retirement, I lost the bet. So it goes. All of this is common knowledge to everyone I know who is my age. Some have more to lose, some less, but it's the same gamble in all cases. There is no safety net.

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