U.S. has 'no right' to Syrian oil, adviser to President Assad says

He expected you to be able to think critically as you looked at his comment and realize:

"nobody gave a shit about Syrian oil" + the rest of his comment


"In the context of why the US went to war here, the United States government did not invade Syria with the intent of securing her oil facilities to make a profit."

And also probably:

"Trump is not learned enough on insanely complex international military strategy to make decisions on it without the detailed advice of those that are. The decision to take over this Syrian oil field, and others, is almost certainly to hamper Assad, ISIS, and any other unfavorable groups from controlling them, for strategic purposes, but Trump decided to spin it as 'we're gonne make money from this war so its not a waste!'"

You are rather pedantically sticking to a literal interpretation of his comment that is clearly wrong and not at all what he intended.

/r/worldnews Thread Parent Link - nbcnews.com