Ubisoft, Please Fix This (Working Still with 1.2)

Sn0 here,

Today I'm going to be discussing a very powerful and dangerous exploit/glitch in Rainbow Six: Siege. I would like to first say I do not condone the use of exploits in any game, and this video is for demonstration purposes only.

The idea of Siege is there are Attackers and Defenders for an objective at a base. The defenders are supposed to sit inside the base during a prep phase and fortify the area around the objective as to prevent the attackers from finding and taking it. During this prep phase the attackers are on drones trying to find the objective. However, with this exploit, the defenders can glitch outside of the map during prep and camp the attackers spawn points if multiple defenders know how to perform this glitch.

Me and my friends with me in this video tested this out ONLY on Casual, however I did have a friend test it on one ranked game to prove it worked there as well. This, if used in ranked games could cause a very unfair collapse in W/L ratios for players unaware how to perform this glitch.

We recieved a lot of hate from the players even though this was casual. I did not initially realzie so many people cared about their casual statistics so much. We were told to kill ourselves and called hateful names, which is totally fair as we were ruining their fun in the game. I understand their hate and pain, however we did not intend to ruin the integrity of the game, just demonstrate how gamebreaking it can be to the subreddit.

I would like to apologize to all who had to face us in these casual games, I will gladly team up with you and play legitimate without the use of exploits.

All in all I do not intend to bring hate into the community, especially towards myself, but I do wish for Ubisoft to fix this exploit immediately. It is absolutely gamebreaking and could cause a lot of damage this early on in the games life.

So Ubisoft, please fix.

(Yes this is still working as of 1.2)

/r/Rainbow6 Thread Link - youtube.com