Ukraine Receives Truckload of Starlink Terminals, Gives Thanks to Elon Musk

Once you get to "mid-size country GDP" levels of personal wealth, you don't complain about anything, ever. Dead serious.

The richest person I know, who is in very high stratosphere's of wealth ..... Her son nearly died to a very rare auto-immune disease. Her son is a science teacher for junior highschool students.

He spent 6 months in the hospital on life support, had an arm amputated, lost sight of one eye, and only barely survived. He's 29 years old, and it will almost certainly kill him - gradually - over the next 5 years.

If you don't think rich people have problems too: fuck you. Fuck you, fuck you, fuuuuuck you. She would trade every penny she's ever had, to let her son be healthy. If you think the rich have nothing they could ever complain about, you're rancid trash who doesn't understand humanity.

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