Ultra-nationalists have reportedly erected a swastika several meters high, despite the symbol being banned in Germany. Police in Bavaria have expressed worries about the rise of far-right crime in the region

That's what happens when you equate immigrants from middle eastern countries with terrorists.

Except I didn't. I acknowledge the reality many middle eastern and African countries having a majority population do not fit in with western-civilization society. Russia whose people support their dictator is closer to a western civilization than most of the Muslim dominated countries in Africa and the Middle East.

Maybe you can call me a western-civilization supremacist... Western-civilization acknowledges racism is wrong and our definition of 'human rights' is a priority and acknowledge stereotypes aren't always true. But the idea of western-civilization and it's values is we are tolerant and accepting of those expected to assimilate to our society and values.

There are limits to this tolerance, and the past few decades have proven many countries(and the majority of their populations) are against western-civilization's values unless except when they exploit them to make an argument of our hypocrisy. These countries are typically theocracies with severe human rights abuses. There are a lot of fucked up countries out there, and it isn't just because a few powerful people make the majority in their country terrible people.

You are upset and calling me a racist because I acknowledge the this reality. I understand not everyone in their original country's are terrorist or hold anti-western values. I applaud those people and encourage them to stay in their country to work on promoting change their own country to become a part of "western civilization". It can be argued I'm selfish, and it could be argued those immigrants that want to join western-civilization are selfish.

Again, if you watched the video, you'd see rational non-bigoted arguments against the overly leftist approach to immigration in the EU and other western civilized countries.

Controversial topics are supposed to be argued and debated under free speech. You can call me a Nazi or Nazi sympathizer all you want, but realize when you and millions of others continue to call groups of people that share an ideology Nazi's and nazi sympathizers, idiots might actually start believing your unfounded rhetoric and justify violence against them. This is what we've seen from far-leftists and anti-fa in the US(which are not immigrants), they are literally virtue signaling idiots that feel self-righteous in promoting anti-western values by causing violence(terrorism) want to put restrictions on free speech. For example: fuck Islam and the pedo Muhammad he can go fuck a camel, there is no such thing as God.

Going extreme left literally jeopardizes what we know as western-civilization the right is actually trying to preserve. Yeah, call me a racist and side with the extreme left and I'll tell you you don't deserve to live in western-civilization. I'd vote for an actual bigot because they'll actually work towards a solution to a problem the left refuses to even acknowledge in fear of being called a nazi/bigot/racist.

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