How do you put up with loud eaters?

There's actually a name for people who get irrationally angry at loud chewers.

When I was about 16, my mom had taken me and my little brother's to the Subway matinee (cheapest show). She was just wanting us to have something fun to do. We had just moved, and about two months after we moved my step dad got busted for drugs (stupid drugs, too) and sent to rehab. We had little money to spare, and she was doing the best she could.

Anyway, she was sitting next to me, eating popcorn in the theater. I could feel that anger building up listening to her crib h and munch. And I snapped. I told her to stop eating so loud or stop eating popcorn.

I felt like absolute shit afterwards, and I feel like shit every time I think about it. She didn't eat another bite of popcorn the rest of the movie. I've realized since then that people are not intentionally chewing loudly or intentionally making me uncomfortable, and I excuse myself (to the restroom or across the room) for a few minutes when I feel it getting to that point. I never want to make someone feel that way again.

/r/AskMen Thread