[UPDATE] My girlfriend invited her ex over to my apartment and I’m absolutely livid right now

It depends on many things, to see if forgiving could benefit u. But since everyone is cheering u up for breaking up let me give u another view. I did to my wife a more fucked up thing that breaks trust completly. And im honest. If she did the same then i dont know how i woukd have reacted. But she forgave me and i can speak from the other side as the person who did something shit. Cheaters allways cheat is wrong. People can change. In 10 years since she forgave me i didnt do anything what have to be forgiven and im rock solid on my path to not do even footstep on the wrong side. Its 10 years ago she forgave me but i remember it just like it happend yesterday. Every day i wake up and feel gratefull for it and make sure that she gets the best for doing the most hard thing by forgiving me. And she says she doesnt regret forgiving me and says she also loves me to death. Fun fact. When i did my wrong shit me and her were also 22. If u have any question feel free to ask

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