using a Trump flag instead of the American one during the national anthem...

There’s a guy in my small city who has a tall fence along a main thoroughfare, which also happens to be a major US highway. Awhile back, he erected 4 poles on the fence, about 15 feet apart, and put up the usual assortment of classy trump flags along with the “Fuck Biden” and “Let’s go whatever” flags.

Apparently some people got sick of having to explain to their small children why someone would have 10ft flags with the work “fuck” in giant letters on them, and started complaining to the city. Code Compliance asked him to please remove the vulgar flags, and of course he responded about “muh rights.” After several nice letters, the code compliance officer finally started issuing tickets. $75 per day that the two particular flags stayed up. He kept them up for a month as a statement about his rights, and whined to anyone that would listen. As it turns, it’s not even his property…he rents it. And his out-of-state landlord was not too happy to get a bill for $2250 attached to his quarterly municipal sewage and garbage statement. So he kicked the guy out of the house, and of course now the former tenant is suing the landlord…..who, somehow, is his father-in-law!

You can’t make this stuff up.

/r/PublicFreakout Thread Link -