Van Jones: The fact that it's this close hurts

I know- I am just really sad that the country I grew up in proves with their votes that they don't give a shit about each other.

The polls will always be off because there's a good chance that the man who answered the phone lies to his wife and says he's voting for Biden when he really supports Trump. Believe me, I'm giving my spouse side eye right now wondering who he voted for. Does he think I belong in the kitchen and don't deserve to make decisions about my own body?

I'm sure a lot of women are looking at their spouse or their boyfriend or their brother or their father and realizing that a lot of them are not who they say they are.

Additionally, freakin Cubans in Florida. Cubans in Florida operate under this misguided notion that they are white. Trump and his 'real' white supporters would deport them in a heartbeat if they could, citizenship be damned. But Cubans hate Mexicans and Puerto Ricans. A lot of Asians hate blacks. Blacks and Mexicans hate each other. Anyhow, you get the point, a huge chunk of the Florida population supports racism so long as they can imagine it's focused on the group they hate.

I was in a Starbucks in Central Florida and a Trump truck parade was going by, again. Someone commented that Trump was likely to win and the Asian manager said, "good, I hate ni&&ers." (I wasn't the only one who reported it. The store was closed for a couple days and that guy is fired. You gotta love Starbucks for that, they do fire people for that crap right away.)

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