Veterinarians of Reddit: What is one thing you wish people would know/understand about their pet?

This is where Google can be useful. My cat was constantly going to the litter box but unable to pee. I wasn’t sure exactly what was going on but Google warned me no pee can = emergency. So I stayed up with her & we were at the vets as they opened. She thankfully just had a pee infection.

She nearly didn’t even get her antibiotics because the nurse that saw us assumed she’d had them & Ergh that appointment was a mess. I had to basically ignore the “leave now” body language the nurse was giving & PUSH with questions etc until we actually got her meds >_<

I was so furious after I couldn’t think to leave a review/complaint. Now I can’t remember exactly what happened to do it. I was told to make notes for later & meant to & didnt. Guys, if you have a bad (or good!) appointment- make notes!!

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