Wanna share your favorite stories from college?

I'm too lazy to type them all out lol, quick breakdowns:

Roommate had never used an oven before, don't even ask how but it was a total alien piece of technology to her. Whenever we'd cook, I'd be in the kitchen with her helping but one day she decided that she wanted to make a frozen pizza. She pops it in the oven and cooks it for like 45 min or so, but instead of putting the timer to 45 she put it on 450 degrees and figured she'd come back in a few minutes when it was done. Well, she forgot about it until the alarm went off. Needless to say she didn't cook for the rest of her time in the school.

I was taking a 7am class a few weeks before normal classes started so a few buildings on campus were open. We were doing our thing one day when a lady comes in and starts saying how she was "drawn to our room" and lots of crazy religious "you've all gotta save yourselves" shit. Professor asked her to leave, she didn't and blocked the doorway when we all tried leaving. Security was called, police showed up too. She was arrested and class ended early. I thought she was going to pull a gun out and shoot us--it was literally one of the scariest things I experienced, aside from turning in papers at exactly the 11:59pm deadline.

One of my professors was a nice younger guy who often had bbqs and random gatherings at his house. We were a small group of students (4) who were really close with him--he was an awesome, and damn smart, guy who would always help with anything we needed. He was an avid video games and horror movie collector so we'd often go over to do either. We were all 21 or over so we'd usually drink or he'd come to the bars with us. Loved that guy, we all still keep in contact we we're hoping to meet up during the summer.

Our school has tunnels underground. Our school also always had tours going on. My friends and I would hide in the tunnels, flickering the lights on and off and jump out at the group of kids having the tour. Students got paid to give tours, we got to scare people. It was a win-win.

One of my professors accused me of plagiarizing on a paper. I did not, of course, but she took it to the dean and I basically spent a week fighting it. In the end I didn't get in trouble or anything but it was upsetting. I don't cheat and being accused of something like that was a huge slap on the face.

I'm Salvadoran, went to a mostly white school. The girls on my floor have never had Salvadoran food so I decided to cook dinner for them one day. Needless to say, their stomachs didn't handle it well and lots of bodily rejection took place.

One professor freaked out on a student for eating an orange in class--this professor also would be upset when students came into class with sweatpants, sandals, hoodies, etc. Another professor was called a nazi by a shit student, turns out the professor actually had family who died in the Holocaust so it was... awkward. Another professor went off on a student after the student threatened to kill him, in front of the whole class, for failing him on an exam.

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