Weekly Hiring Questions and Advice Thread - April 22

Federal Agencies specifically tend to like to see graduate school/law school, or a BA/BS combined with military experience. The entry level bar is a lot higher than local/state (absolute minimum for federal is 4 year degree, whereas its 60 college credits for local/state); and far more people apply, because the notices go out nationally, rather than locally.

Every LE likes to see a wealth of experience. Work (Security Is great for uniformed, SA positions like things like Accounting/Finance; but anything where a supervisor will speak highly of you will cut it)/School Leadership (Student Government is huge)/Volunteer (any kind)...the more people they can call, the better.

I'm not doubting you have a good resume; more so my point was, regardless of how good, if a thousand people apply, it may not be the very best; which is why you really need to apply to quite a few places.

Other quick advice would be to really try to stand out to your professors in a positive way. You may need to put some of them down for a reference, and them really coming to bat for you is massive; which they can only really do if they know you well.

/r/ProtectAndServe Thread Parent