Weightlifting longevity? How long have you been lifting, what style, did you reach a point where the risks started to outweigh the benefits?

Lifting for 27 years, from 13 to soon to be 36 (2 kids) and I feel you. Life fucking hurts and its seriously exhausting. Getting into stoicism has helped with my mental perspective towards feeling chronically achy. Smoking/ingesting weed before my workouts has helped me immensely with the ability to push ahead and keep seeing changes.

Lately I've gotten more into moving as a form of meditation and intuitive training. I tell myself training should feel good. I tell myself to let go and stay loose, joint flossing out tight spots which are prone to injury.

Ball rolling, foam rolling,Tai Chi, swimming and Essentrics as active rest (joint flossing, pnf, low impact dance combined with Pilates) to counteract day to day overuse issues in evenings.

Hearing my joints snap, crackling and popping like this is so yuck... @.@

/r/xxfitness Thread