We're nothing but human.

Danger ahead. I am at the end of another foreign trip where I have had a lot of time to think since I have no one to talk to.

In light of recent wordly events and more personal realizations, I am posting this slideshow someone made that is currently the top post on reddit. Some of the images are graphic but it is a powerful reminder of our shared humanity. I urge you to look at it. It is very well done. Some of the words used come from the speech Charlie Chaplain gives in "The Little Dictator".

There is a song by Paulo Nutini called "Iron Sky" that uses this speech as well. Do yourself a favor and listen to the whole album, it is great. Listen to the words of the song. They echo the message in this moving presentation. I will post a link to the song in the comments.

Then, and this is the important part, go do something to make a difference in the life of someone, anyone. A family member or a close friend, or even better, a total stranger. I missed a chance yesterday to do just that as I was hiking to the the beach on the Ilha de Cutijuba. As I passed a boy sitting in front of his house a man on a moped sped by with soccer balls in a trash bag tied to the back. They had a brief exchange and he was gone. I asked my interpreter what they said. He told me the boy asked him how much the futbols were and the man said they are very expensive and that he couldn't afford one. I have a bunch of the boys old soccer shoes at home and was going to bring them and some balls to give away. I didn't do it and at the very moment I wished to hell that I had. My eyes are watering now thinking about it. I am leaving today or I would be going back there today as I haven't done anything significant for anyone beyond my family and a couple of friends since Hurricane Katrina because I have been withdrawing from the world. I have allowed cynicism and despair to lull me into inaction and self preservation. I think a lot of us have. Having been to India and now Brazil I know how good I, and probably you, have it. Don't just send a check, get out and interact with people you would not normally give a second thought to. It will make you feel so good and may change that person's life. Right now a kid with no shoes could be kicking a futbol against a wall with a huge smile on his face, instead he is likely sitting on that stump and I am lying in a soft bed in a nice hotel kicking myself for letting the worst the world has to offer dampen the flickering flame of the best part of my nature. The oxygen is slowly returning and I will light up someone's life in the very near future

/r/pics Thread Link - imgur.com