What am I supposed to do?

I am damaged. Permanently. As in, I will never get better.

The way you were raised definitely affects how you act and react to most things in life. It sucks when any kid is put into a situation that's abusive and unsafe - they didn't choose to be there. I am sorry to hear that your upbringing was hard. I agree that you will never rid yourself of that past no matter how hard you try.

However, the past is the past. I hope you aren't currently in the same situation you described. If you are, please do yourself a favour and get away.

So, what am I supposed to do?

First (and most importantly), ask yourself: Do you want to feel happier? Do you want to stop feeling so depressed? I know it's stupid, but be honest with yourself. Of course most people say "of course", but constantly make excuses like "I don't feel like it" or "I'm too sad" when there's opportunity to participate in events that would help them improve. Think long and hard, and most importantly, be honest with yourself. Understand that the past is the past and there's nothing you can do, it's best to accept what happened, good or bad, and learn from it. Letting emotions take over will 1. make you feel shitty (or really good) and 2. distract you from learning

Take pills to force me into acceptance of my hopeless situation?

Most pills for depression/anxiety simply "narrow" the emotional extremes. You don't feel super sad, but you don't feel super happy. It's a fantastic tool that helps people to better analyze their feelings, rather than let them take over. I recommend it if you haven't tried already

Go see some therapist who will do nothing but try to force me to adjust to the current corporate neofeudalist capitalistic order?

Lol. Fair enough. Psychiatrists will hear your story and prescribe pills. Psychologists can't prescribe and are more likely to empathize with your situation. Regardless, therapy is only beneficial if the patient is willing to participate. IMO, therapy is only useful to help set goals and meet deadlines. In most cases (IMO) therapists won't ever actually help what's going on in my head.

So what am I supposed to do?

First, accept that "normal society" is based on your opinion. I walk outside and see crack addicts and labour workers and high school kids, whatever. I personally don't care what the fuck they're doing or what they think about me. My buddy has a criminal record and can only roof, but he got a gf, a house, a cat, and is doing fine. He is constantly sad/pissed/etc at his situation, but he's still "normal" even though he works with dirty 40 year olds that can't pay their bills.

Take what you want from this. I am sorry for your situation. I hope you feel better.

/r/depression Thread