What are the basic beliefs of Mormonism?

I'll help you out:

He started out discussing how women were actually totally respected within Islam, but the Western society has built a misconception around this.

Respect =/= freedom. Sometimes you can rationalize that because you respect something so much you would deny it certain freedom. A lot of western women who convert to Islam actually find Islam's limits something they like.

He continued to discuss how Mohammad married 10 year old brides, but this was totally okay because back then it wasn't an issue.

Only 1 child bride, married at 6, she then continued to live with her parents until she hit puberty and was consummated at 9 (If I recall the next oldest was like 20 or something but it's been awhile). That's really the only Muslim apologetic for the age of Aisha, was 'back then no one cared, there was nothing for women to look forward to, why not get married then' or even the slightly more humorous 'women matured faster'. Most serious Muslim scholars however say 'there's literally nothing wrong with that age are you stupid?'

He discussed how people think the Quran is a violent book, but that wasn't true at all and it was all about love, peace and happiness.

It's both. The best way to describe Islam is that it is peaceful with those who are peaceful back. It's rather expansionist though.

It all felt so insincere, apologetic and so rehearsed.

Probably because it was. He knew what people thought and was probably tired of explaining it himself.

It all felt like the went directly against pretty much everything I'd observed about Islam with my own eyes.

I kinda doubt you mean with your own eyes but alright fair enough.

I'm the one Exmormon that fucked up so hard they became a Salafi Muslim for 2 years. Luckily it was just my teenage years so no big deal. Feel free to ask me anything.

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