What has being nice gotten you?

There's also people that are 'helpful' and 'nice' but they force it on you.

My father in law is like that, if he notices something about our house that thinks could be improved or isnt to his taste, he'll just appear midweek after work and go about trying to 'fix' it.

Or if we mention we're going to get something, he'll build one himself or something. The problem with this is that, he places zero importance on the aesthetics of something. So we'll have something we like the look of that we want to get for the garden and then I come home to find a spare bit of wood he had lying about hammered into the middle of the garden with a security light nailed onto it.

He gets wound up when I tell him not to. And setting boundaries has been hard, so honestly I prefer when he just doesn't come over. And I never feel the need to reciprocate since he's not actually doing me any favours.

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