What costs more than it's worth?

hell yea man.. I have insurance. I have a good career. I'm now going through a divorce and finances getting screwed, but just two months ago I had my son getting a life threatening medical issue taken care of with surgery (craniotomy and another procedure tied to that).

I thought I payed all his bills, but today I got a bill for another 62 thousand dollars...

Seriously, WTF. What really pissed me off was that this place, 5 hours away, was literally the CLOSEST facility that could even DO the surgery he needed ASAP. I was lucky, made sure the neurosurgeon, plastic surgeon, and craniofacial disorder clinic and hospital were in his network! Sweet!

But this bill today says that the only anesthesiology and the only intensive care wing he could use at the only facility he could use... bill differently! They are private and/or different billers and THEY don't take my insurance, so out of network. I'm getting it worked out now I hope, but it will still be that I spend 20k this year for two surgeries for my son even if they work it out.

Shit's crazy! I absolutely didn't and don't care, I'd always choose his health over bankruptcy, but I'd prefer to not have to choose, ya know?

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