[WP] Every sentient species in the universe receives a Jesus figure from God. It turns out humanity was the only species to torture and crucify him. You're an ambassador priest informing the Inter-Galactic Holy Church what your species did.

Christian here, you have the right general idea but it's a little off. To clarify:

Jesus' death isn't so much 'inevitable' as it is part of god's plan for the redemption of humanity's sins, a willing sacrifice on behalf of all humanity. The focus isn't on the goodness or evil of humanity so much as the goodness of god, in the sense that the core of christian belief is that all people are sinners and can only be redeemed through Jesus' sacrifice, because as (broken) people we can never atone for sin through our own works.

Homages toward the crucifixion isn't about the 'evil' of the people that did it, it's about the good of Jesus's willing sacrifice.

Salvation, in Christian belief, is through accepting jesus and his gift of sacrifice; and the way that's supposed to translate into works is that you don't just accept christ by believing in what he did but through action and a genuine change of heart (which all christians fall short on to varying degrees).

The specifics - where to draw the lines regarding laws written in the bible, how to do 'good works', role of the clergy, etc... are different from denomination to denomination, but that core belief is generally the same.

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