What does the LGBTQ community think about religious views that bans LGBT?

I couldn't care less what they believe. What I demand is that I not be discriminated against because they claim some magic exemption to following the law.

I don't demand that tgey let me join their church. I do demand that a business owner follow the law in hiring and business accommodation.

When a business opens, it is by permission of a state or local government. You an't refuse service to someone based on race, religion, sex, etc. When gender identity or orientation is included in state or local non discrimination laws, I expect that business to folliw the law. The "religious freedom" movement is a blatant attempt to allow a business to ignore those laws.

Would you be in favor of a business refusing to open their doors to black people in violation of the law, even if they claimed a religious view?

It's called a transaction privilege because no one has a right to open a business. You have to have a license. If you incorporate, the very business entity is a creation of the state. Folliwing the law is a requirement, not an option.

Look, I'm a white gay man. A close friend is black, and I've learned a lot from him in dealing with bigotry. A very close friend is Evangelical, and we've grown to the point where we both realize we arrived at the same point in our relation to God, just two vastly different paths. We both survived cancer, and by all rights we should both be dead.

Neither of us support hate.

/r/lgbt Thread