What does Reddit hate that you actually don't have a problem with?

You are misunderstanding both feminism and egalitarianism when you call yourself one but not the other. Egalitarianism has been around for a while, in fact longer than feminism but it has not been about gender issues. In fact, It has been about class issues. Egalitarians have been aware of inequality between genders, but they thought it wasn't a priority to fight for women's rights, like the right to vote, that's why they faded away in obscurity the last 50 years. Understand that egalitarianism as it's perceived on Reddit it is not the same movement you think it is. You can be for gender equality and for class equality, they can overlap, but are fundamentally different things.

Same thing about Humanists. Humanism is an outlook or system of thought attaching prime importance to human rather than divine or supernatural matters. It is not about equality of men and women. It is about appreciating human achievements as results of hard work, not god's gift.

On feminism form /r/changemyview

Feminism, especially Third Wave feminism, is all about tearing down traditional gender roles, something that can only help women and men.


Why are men so disproportionately thrown into prison? Well, part of it is a toxic idea that men are more hardy than women. Judges and juries may subconsciously be easier on women when sentencing because they are a woman, and so need extra help or protection. They see men as strong and women as weak, men as aware and accountable for their actions and women as little kids who didn't fully comprehend what they were doing. Feminism hates all of those ideas. By making it accepted that women are not the "weaker" sex and bringing the genders to true equality in the eyes of the law and society, rates of incarceration should even out. Really, this idea is central to a lot of other points you brought up.

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