What double standard is ridiculous and needs to be ended?

When I was a child ( admittedly about 20 years ago) my dad was the one who would take us swimming every week and I used to always go into the mens changing room with him to change. I definitely wasn't the only girl in there and no one batted an eye. I believe people when they say they experience the stink eye or whatever when they do things as a man with their child, but I would also say the majority of sane people think a man with a young child in a changing room , or park, or holding hands, are their father/ some sort of carer, and not a a peodophile. I will say have experienced this prejudice once when I worked in a private nursery and one of the parents took exception to the new male practitioner (although there was already another male practitioner who she had no problem with), and she wouldn't let any males change her child when they were still in nappies, but that woman had a problem with just about everything and was also a massive racist who never had a nice thing to say to staff. Not a single one of the other hundreds of parents who came through the nursery even gave the fact it was a male practitioner a second thought. Again, I am not trying to say I don't believe people who have experienced these situations, but I would hate to think of dads feeling embarrassed to take their children out for fear of being judged by these frankly horrible​ people, when the reality is that most people wouldn't give them a second thought. Going swimming with my dad every week is still one my favourite memories from my childhood, and when my dad I bonded most, and I would hate to think other children missing out on experiences like this because reddit gives people the impression that they can't take their kids anywhere because people will accuse them of being a a peodophile. Tldr: there are arseholes everywhere but most people don't have a problem with a dad out with their child.

/r/AskReddit Thread Parent