So this is what Doublelift meant by "Last time i play with you guys"

I like my fan theory way better:

The story of how Doubelift ends up on TSM.

It was a sunny day in the middle of the korean bootcamp when Hotshot called his players in for a meeting. They had in front of them the task of choosing who would play in the middle lane during worlds, a tournament featuring the best teams of every region. It became clear right away that both Doublelift, Zionspartan and Chris wanted Pobelter so they all agreed that Huni would stay on the bench.

While CLG was in Korean, Team Liquid was still wondering what had gone wrong. Not only had they thrown away multiple chances to go to worlds, but their bot lane had fallen apart and they had to find a new support or adc. While they tried looking for both, they had pretty much decided on having Forg1ven as the new star adc. Let's fast forward to the second week of group stage, 3 days before CLG has to play again to secure their spot out of groups to eventually face sktt1 in the finals. Hotshot calls everyone in again for a routine meeting but everyone notices something different, Huni is sitting in a chair with a smile on his face, rubbing his hands as if something huge was going to go down. Hotshot explains the situation to the team: Huni had been promised to play on the starting roster and hotshot wanted to give him a chance in the second week of groups. The whole team seems confused since Pobelter was without a doubt, performing better in scrims. Quickly, coach Chris sees the errors in Hotshot's decision and jumps, along with Doublelift, to the defense of Pobelter. Hotshot finally realizes he has no choice but to let Pobelter play but soon calls Chris in to talk about how he went against management. It is heavily implied that he is done after worlds.

While management and Chris try to act like nothing happened to keep the teams mentality up, Doublelift senses that something is wrong. He goes and talks to his coach, who ends up confessing about what happened. Now, you have to understand that Doublelift has been more and more displeased about management lately and that this is the final straw. While he is still under contract, he starts to think about the spot open on Team Liquid for ADC. He logs on into skype and asks Xpecial about the position and they talk a bit about what happened and how Doublelift would love to join Xpecial for the next split. Fenix also had his mind set on following Piglet if he decided to stay in korea, so the chat grows to include Pobelter potentially also going to Team Liquid.

Now this is where things really get interesting... Hotshot gets wind of the talks between the players on his team and Liquid support Xpecial so he quickly contacts Liquid112 about the potential poaching going on. Liquid112 ends up making a deal with Hotshot in order to avoid having to escalate this to Riot. Both teams would have to kick the offending players. For Team Liquid, it isn't that bad because they already have a support planned out in case they would've decided on Piglet staying. CLG however, finds themselves a few days from their second week of worlds and a titled team. They end up throwing away their chance at worlds, but that doesn't matter since half the team is mad at management and just wants to move on. At this time, ZionSpartin also decides to look for a new team.

Now that everyone is back in NA, let's talk a bit about TSM. TSM has had a few players leave or retire and are in the process of looking for a jungle, an adc and a top laner to compete in the next season. Unfortunately for them, they can only have 2 imports so they need someone from NA. They can't seem to find someone capable of filling a role in their team and are about to resign WildTurtle when they hear the news about Doublelift and ZionSpartin looking for a new team. They try both of them out, but decide to leave both top and jungle open for imports(cough Impact cough Rush cough). This is all 100% confirmed by anonymous sources btw.

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