What is a good subreddit for killing a couple hours when you're bored at work?

The Normal Universe, Virgo Supercluster, Local Group, Milky Way Galaxy, Orion Arm, Local Bubble, The LIC, Our Solar System, Earth, Asia, Russia, Siberia, City of Irkutsk. AD This was the address header a rew wrote on the corner of the paper. He was at the city library, He ditched school, because throughout the morning he had been in a state of delirium and faintness, so now he was forging an doctor’s letter. His plan was to leave the library after he completed the letter, sneak up the school’s yard, drop the aegrotat* into the school’s front office mailbox, and skedaddle off with the whole day to himself. So it’s good intentions truancy, right? Don’t worry. He is a smart individual. Crafty and clever. By now, he is at the end of the letter, and is forging his doctor’s signature. However, he noticed his penmanship was sloppy, which was out of character for him because it was always fancy. But luckily for him, it made his forgery of the doctor’s letter and signature more genuine, as they are known for bad handwriting. Game book---This is a branching storyline. Your goal is make the k (unknowingly) enter ge choosing just 1 of 4 methods: 1) Getting him high; 2a) Guya, an Urdu word that means the cliché posters at elementary school libraries, when a kid gets into a story so much, they enter the book’s world; 2b) Coma; 2c) dream. To get you started, I made 2b the left column, and 2c right. Realism is a big factor. 1 last thing: anything in gray text, is a circumstance that happens to both 2b & c.

Suddenly he had this horrid feeling in his guts. He had a premonition of him being in a medical emergency. Since he was at the library anyways, he got a medical book, searching his symptoms. The sickness and faint-ness that made him skip school “got worse”.
In both events, the rew has a sudden feeling, mental and biological. On the left, he acts feelings 1st, rationality 2nd . On the right, he oppositely switches that order, smartly As he packed his stuff, he saw a poster with the #1 library law: “Make it quiet enough for a baby to sleep.” Suddenly, he realized the faintness he felt was only drowsiness, how silly! He challenged himself to end his leth-argy with a nap in the library’s quiet vibe. He wrote his symp-toms, then saw that his penmanship was ugly. He stopped writing. The only proof he needed was the griffonage itself: he was of a brain injury.
In these 2 events, he uses his mer-curial griffonage as the sole evidence of his faint state. His proof of him being sleepy? Handwriting: his forgery of his doctor’s signature looked genuine was because it was slop-py like a real doctor, caused by his sleepiness. So he got the 25 books in his bucket reading list and ripped the last page out of each of them. His time was coming around the corner, so all he could do now was read how each one ends.
These 2 events are horrid since torn books are graphic; You can skip. They don’t advance the plot, to be honest… He got 25 books, tore the last page out of each, and taped a 5x5 quilt. It’s a blanket for his nap, and also a cruel joke. As the books missing last pages, no one will know how they end! The boy went to the in-famously smelly thus va-cant library section to die. It was a solitarily ideal place to do so. Plus, the plant’s odor drowns his body’s odor. There’s an aisle al-ways empty: there’s odd pot plant has a potent dizzy stench He goes to the smelly- thus-always-empty, lib-rary aisle (to nap and not get caught) He covered his face with an open book like a gasmask. [Sleep continues next pg] Aw. the good ol’ drug at library joke. This is
He kicked a bookcase by accident! Copies of War & Peace (because we’re in Russia), buried him in a tomb of tomes: they angled so Peace showed only the epitaph RIP was formed (33%); the plant fell on like a wreath. [Coma=Game Over] High. To follow it, keep reading Sleep, but with the know-ledge that when he’s in dreamland he’s unaware he’s actually high rather than snoring Z’s. book(s) in someway
That’s because you are in Guya route. To continue follow-ing this (which is only accessible if you read Sleep), keep reading Sleep, just like High.
Both 2 events show
him being “immersed” with

PUZZLE: First, you must figure out how the cryptic cluster on the right literally resembles the drawing of the stuffed bunny on the left, your next job with the cluster of letters on the right is having 5 minutes to read what it says. ANSWER: In case you suck at visual intelligence, it said: “The bunny was: A –toss’d underneath bed as junk; & B decomposed. So let’s use its cotton to rebuild bed B.”

The r inspects the stuffed bunny. He takes out a magnifying glass, and upon looking through, allows him to see 2 tiny details: A -the bunny looked as if it was tossed under the bed as unneeded trash; B -he noticed the bunny was worn out, which may have been why he was able to rip it so easily. So he thought if the bunny was unneeded, he was allowed to dig the cotton out of the open cut and use it to fix up his ravaged bed. PUZZLE: Now that you know what it says, your next challenge is to hold this page to a mirror, and find all the 16 letters that are backwards. Make your work easier by erasing all the letters that were originally correctly faced. Then on that mirror, read the 16 formerly backwards letters left to right top to bottom. It spells out a sentence. ANSWER: If you held the pattern next to a mirror, the 16 letters that are now normal posi-tioned are Behynd came da buli, (if you were to read them in the order of left to right top to bottom like regularly posed text, while erasing all the letters formerly nor-mal but are now reversed just so they don’t get in front of the way of your complex task) That deciph-ered sentence would match: Behind came the bully. So look on the right column.
However, he notices a reflection in the magnifying glass: behind him was the bully.

I bet you’re sitting what plot events these puzzles are communicating. So, here is the ultimate answer of every puzzle that happened in this carnival chapter.

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