What was the greatest buzzkill you've ever experienced?

Checking r/gameofthrones after watching S8E3 excited to read reactions, new theories, and tie-backs to old episodes that I didn't catch myself, only to find people bitching about every little minor thing because it didn't play out exactly how they wanted it to.

It wasn't that specifically that killed my buzz, but more the realization that every subreddit/community dedicated to one of my interests is permeated by cynicism because for whatever reason it's more popular to shit on everything than to enjoy anything. The same is true on r/nba, r/hiphopheads, etc. The community develops reactionary opinions and then spreads them like a disease and then once those become too popular the narrative switches and the pendulum swings in the total opposite direction. And on either side of the spectrum, the most upvoted threads/comments are just low hanging fruit that fit whatever that current narrative is. It's probably a weird thing to consider a "buzzkill" because it doesn't directly affect me, but the negativity is contagious and some times it feels like people are actively trying to prevent others from enjoying anything at all.

/r/AskReddit Thread