What made you break up with the person you thought you’d marry?

We have talk about going back to school. She 100% sure she don't want to go through that again, she now hate read because of how much he had too back in school.

She is not sure what "success". She is really simple in that aspect, she is happy if she can make enough to live and if she doing something that she like, she say that she don't know what would be "success", but I'm pretty sure that for her it could be anything where she is happy with.

I do my best to understand her and guide her, but in that aspect all my effort have been futile. I have offer her money to star a business, I have told her to start getting classes in another language, to go back to school, go to diving/sky diver school, etc., that this is her time to do stuff because she don't need to worry about bills, car, housing (I'm the one that run all that). Right now she is doing Lyft, she is doing it to not stay at home and to clear her peace of mind while "helping" (she really don't need to; when it come to finance we are doing it very well) me with bills. I just want her to enjoy life at the same time she improve herself.

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