What makes a girl seem unapproachable to you?

  1. I didn't say anything about girls with genetic issues. But I'm sorry if some three hundred pound slob doesn't turn me on.

  2. Who said anything about women having to be barefoot and pregnant? Because I sure as hell didn't.

  3. Finally you agree on something

  4. Damn right it's reasonable

  5. Bikinis are not a problem at all if they are in the right setting and I have nothing against women being comfortable and showing skin. I'm saying when it gets to be excessive and they do it in places where everyone around them is dressed nice, it can be a little much.

  6. High school is the world I'm living in asshole and believe it or not women are clingy bitches where I live. Especially the "white girls". And if you would have read my comment you would have saw how I said MOST not ALL.

  7. I'm not gay so I don't know how guy friends have anything to do with this comment. But hey, whatever gives you more shit to rant about.

I don't know who the fuck broke your heart or who pissed on your day but just because you are some kind of libertarian asshole doesn't mean I want to hear your fucking ranting on shit that doesn't apply to you.

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