What makes you think "Wow, this girl is really boring?"

I'll just give some examples:

"Today my dog was running around." "...And?" "Oh thats it."

Me: "I'm really interested in the recent findings at CERN they indicate that ..." Her: "Oh. Yeah. I went to the mall today and bought this." (Shirt that has common and inane "Believe" type phrase)

Me: "What interests do you have? What are you hobbies?" Her: "Shopping, I like watching television, sometimes I like to go to the movies." (None of these things are hobbies. They aren't even interests.)

What I've found is that interesting people have a hard time dating. Being interesting isn't even hard. Its "I'm going to do X, Y, Z until they are done." To a lot of people collecting coins is like watching paint dry, but the one girl I met who collected coins was one of the most interesting people, she knew fucking everything about them. I could just hold coins up and say "Do this one" Boom, everything about it. Namely I've found that as interesting people, we live riskier lives. Due to that our lives turn out more fun. It might be that I'm surrounded by women all of whom like the thought of sleeping with me. I've fallen on hard times, more so emotionally than financially. I amid all of my slew of melancholy, I found myself realizing a few things: 1. I do a lot of shit people consider risky. Rock climb, move every few years to a new town. Pick hard degrees to get because getting them is difficult. Travel with reckless-abandon. 2. When I do something I pour myself into it. I binge on things like mathematics, physics, reading. 3. I like to concentrate, I don't like being disrupted by "are you ok?" while reading or "Whats wrong?" Holy fuck the number of times this has happened to me, I don't even know why. I'm reading leave me the fuck alone.

For some reason its like the girls that have wanted me (all but one) have Universially thought that I would be a good partner for them because somehow it would either improve their life or (and this is the one that kills me) they would make me 'give all that up' for my love of them, but they would be with this risk taking guy who loves his life???? I know its sounds petty but seriously, its becoming a trend in my life, like women just think "oh he will make me happy." Or the innumerable women that I know who have said "I cant get a good job until I get a good husband, my life doesn't really start until I'm married."

Currently my room-mates are all women their idea of excitement: Going to the same bar every weekend, getting shit faced, making sure none of them get laid by cock blocking every guy they meet. They all want degrees in things that you could probably predict, one of them is literally the 'sterotype' of a woman. Wants to be a teacher, wants to live in a small town, wants the guy to romance her....blahblahblah...

So what makes someone boring, they fucking choose to be. I off the top of my head can recite poems, talk about my adventures, do fucking calculus, figure out if two chemicals will react, climb the face of almost anything, I know enough martial arts to effectively defend myself, I speak multiple languages (well only two right now, but I plan on picking up French, Spanish, and for the lawls latin.)

The reason that I hate questions like this is if you don't want to be boring, just don't be normal. People look at me weird because I don't brush my hair, I look at people weird because they are already dead.

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