What is the most depressing truth that you've had to accept?

It doesn't get better. For so long I believed if I just learned enough and tried hard enough and kept practicing I wouldn't have to struggle everyday with literally every basic task, eventually things would get easier and there would be moments where I could stop and breathe but lol no turns out I just have ADHD.

Yeah yeah I know, diagnosis is the first step, there's medication, therapy etc but there is no treatment that is 100% effective, that doesn't have side effects, that is free & legal in all of the places I want to go. Everyone always reassures you that it gets "easier" but it never gets better. You'll find ways to cope with it. You'll learn from your mistakes. But the dysfunction never goes away, you'll always always be struggling to keep up and no one will ever let you rest. You can exhaust all your energy managing your symptoms perfectly 6 days a week and it's that last day that people will always use to define you, because guess what! 110% of your effort is just everyone else's bare minimum, have fun.

/r/AskReddit Thread