What is the point of lying on a dating site?

Yeah...this just happened to me not too long ago and I wrote about it somewhere else on this sub. On his profile it said he was in recovery from drugs. I was OK with that because I would prefer an SO who was drug free. Went on an awesome first date with a guy to a hockey game, realized we had tons in common. I decided that I would be vocal about my concerns and approach it tentatively, mostly because on our date he said he was 5 months sober and I personally feel like you need a year of sobriety before you make big life changes. WELL GOOD THING I DID.

One day he just got realllllly quiet, and I got vague texts about a family emergency. Found out he had relapsed, his parents sent him to a behavioral health center where he was arrested because he had a felony warrant for his arrest and ended up in jail, in the psychiatric area.

AT FIRST, I was empathetic because I thought it was merely him just having relapsed. I knew that a relationship wasn't possible at that point. It was however, possible for me to be there as a friend. But then I found out he actually had relapsed before he met me, and was doing drugs the whole time, even was high when we were together.

So then I just tallied up all of the lies: he had no apartment like he said he did, he had a felony warrant and had stolen thousands of dollars from his parents, then there were the other things like well, he was homeless, jobless, andddd he was in jail trying to call me collect.

I was pissed and the emotions started to impede on my school life, and I take school REALLY seriously. Like, calling me collect from jail when I was in class because his parents weren't answering his phone calls to bail him out. I did not sign up for that craziness, and I had to cut the cord. I feel bad, because I initially wanted to be there for him but that is a whole fuck ton of fucked up that I could not be a part of.

/r/AskWomen Thread